1 gallon Dead Ringer extract kit from Northern Brewer. (it's supposed to be a clone of Bell's Two Hearted Ale)
1 1/4 gal in the kettle
0.2 lb of Briess Carmel 40L
Let grains steep while I heated the water. Put them in at 140, took off the heat at 154. Down to 150 after 10 mins. Turned heat back on. 50 min boil. (Recipe calls for 45 min boil, but waited to add hops until past the hot break, about 5 mins)
1.5 lb Gold LME - 55 mins
3.5 gram Centennial hops 8.4% AA - 45 mins
3.5 gram Centennial hops 8.4% AA - 20 mins
1/4 tsp Irish Moss - 15 mins
7 gram Centennial hops 8.4% AA - 5 mins
7 gram Centennial hops 8.4% AA - 0 mins
Killed the heat. Whirlpooled and set kettle in sink for ice bath. Poured wort through the double-mesh strainer into a 2 gal bucket. Pitched half a packet of Safale US-05 at 72. Hoping to keep the fermentation temp between 65-75 using ambient temps in the apartment. The gravity came in at 1.064, which is right on for the recipe from NB, but higher than the 1.054 that my Brewers Friend app calculated. Ended up with just over 3/4 gal in the fermenter. Lots of hops so lost some volume.
The recipe calls for 2 weeks in primary, then about 2 weeks to bottle condition. The 5 gal kit from NB calls for dry hopping in secondary for 5 days, but the small batch kit doesn't. So I'm going to just give it about 3 total weeks in the primary before bottling.
OG: 1.064 (15.8 brix)
est IBU: 40.2
I filmed the brew day with my new tripod mount for the iPhone.
If you want to watch it on Youtube, click right HERE.
If you want to watch it on Youtube, click right HERE.
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