Brew Day: 7/22/14
Recipe from Midwest Supplies.
-obtained the extract, hops, light candi sugar from a Craigslist deal which also included a bottling bucket, 50+ bottles, siphon, hoses, hydrometer, etc.
-purchased soft candi sugar, yeast, grains from Northern Brewer store in St. Paul, MN.
2 1/2 gallons of water in my 3 gallon kettle. Heated to 155, steeped grains for 20 mins, then another 10 mins w/ no heat (per recipe instructions).
8 oz Caramel 40L
8 oz Carapils
Brought to boil. Boil time: 60 mins
6 lbs of Pilsen LME - 60 mins
2 oz Hallertau hops 4.6% AA - 60 mins
1 whirlfloc tablet - 15 mins
1 lb Light Belgian candi sugar - 10 mins
1 lb Soft White Candi Sugar - 8 mins (at the suggestion of the guy at NB store for higher ABV potential)
1 oz Styrian Goldings hops 3.8% AA - 2 mins
Cooled via ice bath down to 95 in 15 mins. Aerated wort through funnel and double mesh strainer (keep out the hop sludge). Topped off with 2.5 gallons of cold water. Just under 5 gallons. Pitched yeast at 62. Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity 1.2L starter. Put in temp controlled chest freezer at 66, raised to 68 after 3 days.
OG 1.069 (17 brix)
est. IBU 36
Racked to secondary: 8/04/14
I siphoned just over 4 gallons into a sanitized glass carboy, there was quite a bit of yeast and hops caked to the bottom of the fermenting bucket. Using my refractometer and this
calculator, I figured out my final gravity was 1.016 (9.2 brix). Which brought my final abv to
6.4%. Thanks to everyone over the Northern Brewer forum, for helping me out with the refractometer correction factor.
That was hungry yeast. I had some in the blowoff tube within 48 hrs of pitching, but most fell back into the beer. Wyeast 3787 is a beast!
Siphoning away! The foam in the carboy is from the Star San. It's a great sanitizer, but a bubbler for sure.
Now it sits for 2-3 weeks to clarify a bit and mellow out without the yeast and hops imparting too many off-flavors.
Bottling: 10/07/14
It went way longer in secondary than I planned. My wife had been in an auto accident a few weeks ago, so the dr visits and insurance phone calls put brewing on the back burner, but today I bottled it. I got
eight 1 Liter flip top bottles and
17 12-oz bottles.
I had a bunch of
fizz drops left over from some small batches I made over the summer, so I used those instead of making a priming solution. 3 drops in the 1 liter bottles and 1 drop in the 12 oz bottles. I really should've waited until my wife got home before I bottled, because it would've been really nice to have a 2nd pair of hands. Bottling alone can be tricky; gotta hold the siphon, bottling wand, and find the next bottle to fill, all without spilling it everywhere. I'll let it sit for 3-4 weeks and then enjoy/share.
I used the last bit of my Brewer's Best caps,
B for Belgian.